How to optimize socket counts?


Suppose If there is lots of characters sharing one skeleton and this skeleton have lots of sockets.

In the gameplay, will this sockets affect performance loss? since each character do not use all the sockets. If so, could you give me an idea how to optimize this? can I disable unused sockets in construction script? characters are sharing same skeleton because of animations and its size.

Sockets are assets, so you can’t modify or change in run-time, and if so, the other characters won’t be able to use it.

Sockets are linear array of data, so only issue is search since it will do linear search on those whenever you query. How many do your skeleton have it? I think you can add option to support TMap if you have 1000s by

Other option to use is virtual bone. We added it for 4.14 (I think) so you should be able to add virtual bone and those can be culled or only added to mesh.

