How to optimise a scene in UE for archviz

So I’ve recently got a project to make video of a farm villa, basically a villa copied a lot of times over a area making it seem like mini city

and it has got a lot of vegetation, I’m trying to keep the scene stable and the file is still in Max, so I wanna ask is should I instance the tree or try nanite on it as well ( AFAIK it doesn’t work well on small foliage objects) or I should render the tree and then import is as plane ?

My pc is mid-low mid so any other optimization tip would help me a lot

You should be placing the foliage using the foliage tool inside Unreal.
You can add your current exported foliage placement to a level and use it as a reference for placing using the foliage tool.
The foliage tool will create proxies automatically and it will make your scene lighter.

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Thanks Man, didn’t knew Unreal has it’s own foliage system, I’ll check it out on YouTube

Try this =) you need to log in.

wow, this course is really nice, not only foliage but I can learn a lot other things from it as well, IDK how did I never found it, Once again thanks a lot man.

Can you mark as resolved your post? So it shows in the forum that we found a solution. Someone with the same issue would find easily

sure, but I don’t know why but there’s no resolved button