Hello there, I know how to make a door open by pressing a button, but how do I do the whole animation? I would like my character to go to the handle of the door, push it down and move a little backwards so that the door doesn’t go through him while he opens it (when he pulls it or step a bit forwards when he push it). I was unable to find any tutorial at all on how to do this on unreal engine. If you can help me, please let me know.
You can either make the animation in your modeling software or use the unreal ik system (https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-US/AnimatingObjects/SkeletalMeshAnimation/IKSetups/index.html).
Thankyou, do you know of any tutorial specific for the exact thing I’m trying to do: the animation looks very complex so it would be nice if there was. It would be even more helpful if there was some pre-made package that already does that and that I can download online but I guess that’s unlikely.
Follow this tutorial press E to open door, also teaches you how to use a key to unlock the door if you want to
I appreciate you trying to be helpful but the tutorial you sent me is most definitely not what I was looking for as it involves no character animation at all
no this isn’t what we want
something like outlast when you looking at door you can open it