i mean i have one variable and if i changed that variable then all other players can know about that variables change.
it means if change ZVariable=1 to 2 then all other players ZVariable is =2
i mean all players can access to one variable’s pool.
in any other blueprint just get your default gamemode, cast to your gamemode class and store in a local variable so each time you want to access from that blueprint no need to cast again
yes…if you want to access gamemode variables and functions you must cast (if you do just once and store in a local variable the same class of your gamemode blueprint is better because you can reuse then without casting all the time.
If you know what are you casting then should not fail. You can also use gameinstance instead of gamemode too…Gameinstance persists when you change level (gamemode resets everything and restarts when you load a new level). Gameinstance is defined in the settings of the project in maps & modes