How to offset the location of a single bone, without it detaching from the mesh? (Pictures included:)

Did I explain everything okay? I will be happy to give additional information if you want.

Remember that I don’t need a step-by-step guide, I just need to know where I need to get started. :slight_smile:

I’m making a ledge hanging animation. I want the character’s hands to adjust their position based on the the angle of the ledge he’s hanging from. This is what I made so far:

I can successfully set the hands to the proper location, the problem is that it becomes detached from the arm, which I don’t want. This is the anim blueprint I used:

(Note: Never mind that right now the position is “fixed”, I’m eventually going to use traces to find the exact location to set the hands to, but I already know how to do that.)

Am I on the right track here? I’m pretty sure in order to achieve the desired look, I’ll need to use a ragdoll, or a physics anim blend, is that correct? (Please note: I have decent experience setting up both of those.)

How can I set the locations of the hands, without breaking them apart from the rest of the mesh? I want the entire mesh to adjust. (Much like in this video: Advanced Climbing System - Unreal Engine - YouTube (Watch it at 2:33.))

I will be happy to receive even a vague answer. :slight_smile: If you’ve got the slightest idea of what I need to do, don’t hesitate to tell me.

After scrambling through the internet for days, it turns out what I needed was a two bone IK. (For each arm.)

If you want to learn more on IKs, here’s the official documentation on IK setup:

However, for some reason the document dose not tell you everything you need to know. (Which is very annoying.) Unfortunately, in order to “fill in the blanks”, I think the best thing you can do is download the content examples map and take a look around: How do I download Content Examples? - Community & Industry Discussion - Unreal Engine Forums

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