How to offset modular control rigs

the generated pole vector is pointing the wrong way and i can’t offset it. why? , there is a PV offset option, but that only affects the length, how do i change it’s location permanently


Even after a recent update. it is still not possible to offset pole vector location. and by default it is still pointing in the wrong direction

Manually move the pole vector to desidered location, right click on the control → Set Offset transform from current.

even clicking on it in the viewport still grays out the option

Oh you’re using Modular Rig…it might be that you can do it only from a Control Rig and not from a Modular rig…not sure, I haven’t used modular rigs too often.

alright let me know if you find a way

This seems to work to fix the control rig issue with the PV

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hey man i think i found the solution:

try to go to skeletal mesh and move your plevis bone a bit forward, that worked for me

Yeah, on the latest version of 5.4 this is still incorrect in their modular autorigger. The pole vector offsets the original knee position, which should not happen in a good rig lol Pole vector should just be exactly where one of the axis of the knee is pointing (whichever the forward facing one is). It’s ridiculous they haven’t fixed that.

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i think ideally we should be able to offset the controls without messing with the bones

So I have found a solution to the problem. I’m using the Modular Control Rig system. If you click on the module you are trying to change, over in the details panel scroll down towards the bottom where it says Pole Vector Position and change the value there to move it closer to the rig. Then compile and save to save its location. I hope this helps and was a fix for your problem.