How to NOT detect Player pawn with pawn sensing?

I thought this would be easy but I can’t seem to find any simple solutions.

I have a AI follower that I want to attack enemies. Currently his pawn sensing picks up my character also though and attacks both enemies and my character.

How can I make it so that the

pawn sensing or linetracing ignores me?

I have tried using the line trace ignore actor and ive tried to differentiate the classes to no avail.


There are many many ways to accomplish the same thing. I create custom collision channels for players, neutral, and enemies and line trace from those. If a friendly unit is shooting, I have a player collision type tracing against an enemy+world static type.

In the above screen shot, if the trace initiates from the AI object, it should ignore just from the fact of having Ignore Self checked. You, as well, are using the player pawn to ignore the player. You can use the trace by object using the method I talked about above.

Mathew Wadstein just did a bunch of WTF how to videos on collisions that are worth a look. Youtube Mathew Wadstein Unreal. I have to give kudos to this guy, keeping it up on these couple minute videos explaining basic use of blueprint functions.