My question is simple, but so far I couldn’t find any answer.
I would like to be able to control a pawn class object (static mesh) to move it up (using “U” key) and down (using “J” key).
I looked here and on internet and I couldn’t find any answer for UE5.2.
I tried to create my own game mode, IA and IMC and a specific BP containing the staticmesh I want to control, and after having override the game mode by the onw I created, and changed the default pawn class.
In the Event Graph of the BP containing the staticmesh I want to control, when I add Events for the key U or the IA I created and when I play in simulation, it seems that when I press U, the press action is not detected. I confirmed it using print string linked to “Pressed”.
I suppose that I have all the elements but not in the right order or configuration.
Does somebody could explain me how to realize this simple task (move Up and Down of a spawn class object using U and J keys)?
If you know a youtube video explaining this, may I ask you to share its link?
Important: I am using UE5.2 and thus only Enhanced Input Actions and Input Mapping Contexts can be used)