How to move the vector of a Static Mesh Component with InputAction?

Currently trying to use blueprints to move a static mesh component that is in blueprints for a character by using an input action (e). This mesh is separate from the character. I tried two different routes going at this. However, I’m new to scripting with Blueprints and I can’t find the information I need to finish one of the methods I started. What are my options and how can I accomplish this? Also, any additional resources would be greatly appreciated as I want to try other things in the future similar to this such as rotating, duplicating, ect. Thanks!


How to move the vector

You may need to explain what needs doing in more detail, as this is somewhat vague.

Above, you Set the variable to null - you’re dereferencing the component so it will be no longer accessible. Think of it as erasing the value of that variable. It will not be associated with whatever it was pointing at.

You probably wanted to Get it instead so you can perform an operation on it. When you drag a variable into the graph…


…you can choose what to do.

There’s dozens of ways to move things around; the most straightforward ones:

The top bit is instantaneous, the bottom over time.