Hi everyone.
I was trying to set IK on my character arm to move it like real human arm. Then I was trying to move it with motion controller. But it was not working.
Can someone explain how to do that (with screenshots).
Hi everyone.
I was trying to set IK on my character arm to move it like real human arm. Then I was trying to move it with motion controller. But it was not working.
Can someone explain how to do that (with screenshots).
Don’t have access to the engine as of now, but what you would want to do is to get the controller location.
In the animation BP you want to use the Two Bone IK or the FABRIK node, one for each hand and set the starting bone as UpperArm (left for left hand and right for right hand) and for end bone or effector set hand_l and hand_r.
Those are the basics, it’s not really that hard, but you’ll need to play around with some numbers to adjust it, that’s personal, don’t really thing someone will be able to help you past some point.
Anyways, hope this helps, have a good day
That was some seriously basic basic! It has been 2 years, are you at your machine yet? (JOKE) Maybe you can elaborate? Do you think the ‘Control Rig’ they worked on since, is the answer? (I mean for like, controlling a character in Editor VR and reaching out to move an arm or turn a head,. etc,…
You can find something similar in this project: [FREE VR PROJECT] Physics Driven VR Drum Kit - Community Content, Tools and Tutorials - Unreal Engine Forums
It’s not perfect but it should give you the idea.