How to move player character overtime

Hello, I am trying to move player character to a specific location over time instead of teleporting it, similar as this tutorial tutorial. I tried to follow the tutorial but it doesn’t work. I read on some other thread that "simple move to " is only used for AI with navmesh on it while “set actor location” will just teleport the character.

Hi @Hanayosu1

If you are using a character controller, then maybe you should use a nav mesh and use the simple move to? it handles all the animation and the move in 1.

If you are not using a character controller, then you will need a function that handles movement, ie start by rotating to face target, then move x amount per frame until you reach there. Take into account WorldDeltaSeconds so that the movement is smooth and consistent across different machines.

But seriousley if its a character, and you are new to this, use a nav mesh and moveto

Hello High500,

Yes I am using character controller, then my next question will be if I have another navmesh setup for an AI character, will they able to differentiate it or will they just overlay each other? Because I am actually just looking for a simple movement in order to animate my character between dialogue for example the character sprite move back and forth because it is on panic.

Can they not use the same navmesh? it calculates all the safe areas a character can move, not its behaviour, thats down to you, you tell the character where to go based on your logic, the navmesh is a guide of where they can legally move to phrase it simply

So I can create different navmesh and assign which character can use which ?

you can indeed, if you wish to limit them, there is a similar query on the forums about using a NavigationQueryFilter for panic areas such as these.

I tried to use ‘ai move to’ but it still wont move, any idea about it?

As you can see the character touched the navmesh but whenever I press ‘T’ it wont move

This is the code