How to move player camera to a starting location of the cutscene camera

What I’m trying to do is when I interact with an object no matter from where I need the camera to be smoothly moved from where it is at the moment of interaction to the starting location of the cutscene camera(location and rotation)

Black circle is the player
Red circle is the object being interacted with
The Blue circle is where the cutscene camera is and where the player camera need to go

Yeah I really need help with this.
I have tried using “move component to”:

It doesn’t work and its probably because it sets the relative locations.

Then I tried using this “set world location and rotation”:

Here it sets the location correctly but not the rotation.

Probably I am doing this completely wrong so if someone can pleas help I would be very grateful.

Have you tried this:

Plug in the actor whose point of view you’d like to use - the Camera Actor, presumably.

Essentially, instead of moving the player’s own camera, the system will interpolate the view from one actor to another, and end up looking through one of the cameras (the 1st active one) in the New View Target actor.

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:person_facepalming: completely forgot about “set view target with bland”. The fact i have used it so many time before is even worse, that’s what happens when I tunnel vision on one way of doing a thing. Thank you