How to move placed assets to a different project?


So I have this map where I’ve placed a bunch of different assets exactly the way I want them, but now I need to move everything over to a different project.

Is it possible to move everything over, keeping them as instances and in the same position as I’ve placed them?


If you migrate the map file to a new project via the UE4 editor, the relevant assets should go along with it. =)

Why does migration only works with BLANK Projects and not work with existing projects?. (cannot move blueprints from one existing project
into another existing project without breaking the blueprints. But it has no problems migrating out Assets from one existing project
into another as long as there are no blueprints in the files its migrating. Because blueprints for some reason corrupt themselves or break when trying to move them.

Perfect! Thanks for the help :slight_smile:

Happy to assist. =)