How to: move a static mesh between a set of random points?

Hi. I am new to blueprints. I am learning by trying to make a simple VR experience in which 360 Video Spheres appear to be floating around a small level.

Here is an image of what I want to achieve: Imgur: The magic of the Internet

The black circle is the 360 video sphere (which I have already created). I just need to figure out how to use blueprints to achieve the movement.

I have tried using TargetPoints and SetActorLocation but am unable to figure out the precise scripting order. I am also new to programming so I am unsure how to approach this.

Perhaps it would be smart to create a node that generates a set of random points each time the level is loaded, and then have the sphere move in between each point, slowly. I do not know how to code this, however. Any help would be appreciated!

One lesson I learn as a programmer was to first simply ones objective and then gradually add on complexity to achieve the required result.


  1. Can you move the sphere in a linear fashion between two points
  2. Can you move the sphere in a sinusoidal fashion between two points
  3. Can you create a random trajectory between two points confined to some volumetric bound
  4. Can you create an array that can hold a Transform data type with the random trajectory
  5. How many data points would you need to generate a smooth flowing animation

Break down your work flow in tasks like the above example.

Perhaps it would be smart to create a
node that generates a set of random
points each time the level is loaded,
and then have the sphere move in
between each point, slowly. I do not
know how to code this, however. […]

Yup, that’s one way to do it. Depends on what you need, though. Could you clarify whether you need the object to move in straight lines between the points or your want it to turn corners smoothly? Your image indicates the former.

Also, the object does not seem to end up in the same starting position, as in, it’s not looping. Is this the desired behaviour? Does it mean that you want it to snap back to the starting point once it has reached the very last one? Or do you want it to keep generating random points in as it goes, indefinitely.

Any of the above is perfectly doable. I’ll try to chip in where I can.

Also, I’d like to add point 0 to the list Chaven conjured. Consider defining the exact behaviour first and only then start climbing the steps.