How to move a specific physics body at runtime?

I would like to be able to move a specific physics body at runtime, preferably through blueprint.

I created a C++ function to do this.

In SkeletalMeshComponent.h, add this:

/** Set specific physics body transform to a new world transform */
	UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Components|SkeletalMesh")
	void SetNewPhysicsBodyTransform(const FName BoneName, const FTransform&  NewTransform, ETeleportType Teleport, bool bAutoWake);

Then in SkeletalMeshComponent.cpp, add this:

void USkeletalMeshComponent::SetNewPhysicsBodyTransform(const FName BoneName, const FTransform&  NewTransform, ETeleportType Teleport, bool bAutoWake)
	FBodyInstance* BI = GetBodyInstance(BoneName);
	if (BI)
		BI->SetBodyTransform(NewTransform, Teleport, bAutoWake);

Turns out there was already a function to do this in C++ inside the BodyInstance, so I just needed to expose that function to the SkeletalMesh and to blueprint.

You can now call it using:
