how to move a player to a trigger in another location

I ran into a problem, after the character leaves the location in the house to the street, he moves to the spawn point, I want the player to move to the trigger, I could not find a solution how to teleport the player to the right place

Hey @SOVA_Design
How are you implementing the blueprint? You could also be using the World Scale rather than the local one, so you may need to change your math up a bit to get it in the right spot. You should, however, be able to grab the location of the trigger fairly easily.

Could you provide screenshots of your blueprints?

I followed the tutorial, in which the simple mechanics of taking an item was made, I did it a little differently, the code opens the map, the player will spawn to the spawn location, I want the player to be teleported to the coordinates where the trigger is, in which the player enters another location, I apologize for the long answer, my project compiled shaders, on my weak laptop this is done very slowly


when you enter the trigger that sends you to the house, save the position of that trigger to a save file, so that when you leave the house and load the level you set the player position to the saved position.

this video can help you in the main idea

I tried to do it, it didn’t work out for me, I tried to do it like in another video, it didn’t work either