How to move a first person character along a spline?


i tried this tutorial:
and it is working pretty good but I want to add this on a first person character and it doesnt work. If i start the level my character is located somewhere outside the level and doesnt move at all.

Any ideas?

Thank you for the help!
greets meowstyle

Don’t know if you still need help with this but I was working on a project doing something similar and got it working. Figured since these unreal forums are pretty poor at answering questions I would leave a response here in case anyone else comes across this issue. So what I found works was create a spline BP, call it whatever you like. Add a “spline component” to it using the “add component” tab in the viewport. Then from the player character or whatever actor you are trying to move along the spline, get a reference to your spline BP. I used get all actors of class and found my spline BP. With the spline reference drag off a pin and search for “get location at distance along spline” it should automatically link them as shown below. From there promote the “distance” pin to a variable that you will set each “tick” of gameplay. I created a custom event and a timeline to run the spline but you can also just use the tick node directly. once you have that I used 2 nodes to increment the distance. The first is “get game time in seconds” the second is “get world delta seconds”. Add these 2 together and set the “distance” variable to this value. I also added a multiply node in between and created a “rail speed” variable, I found anything above 500 to work pretty well otherwise you move extremely slow along the spline to the point you won’t think it’s even working. Then from the return pin of the “distance along spline” node hook that value up to a set world location of the camera/mesh. Finally do the same thing as shown below for the rotation so that the camera rotates nicely along the spline during turns. Hope this works for you or at least gets you going in the right direction.

hello good day, a question, where can I find information on how to configure the firts person to follow a spline? … what happens is that I need the first person handled by the player to arrive at a place and execute a menu, with options and when choosing an option, leave the menu and be controlled by the spline to direct it through a route specify and at the end of the tour the control returns to the player.

I would imagine you would just need to create multiple splines, use the above method for getting the player to follow them and when you need to make a choice from your menu, have that set the spline to use for the player moving forward.