How to move a camera within a blueprint class?

I’m trying to make an interactable ladder. I have a ladder with a camera. I have it set up where I can interact with the ladder and the camera changes to the one on the ladder. I’m trying to make it where I can hit W and move the camera up the ladder using a timeline. But I can’t find out how to move just the camera within the blueprint.

Is this not possible?

Here is the way to get direct access to the camera:

what this is doing is getting a direct reference to your character class (or w/e class is holding the camera) and then you can operate on it directly.

Another way would be to use an interface to communicate from some class to the other class which holds the camera. This way they don’t need to reference each other directly. It’s sort of like one person is just shouting to the other, “hey, if you have a camera, go ahead and move it!” but the person shouting doesn’t know exactly who is shouting at.

That would look something like this:

Moving the camera can be done very simply by getting its current location and add/subtract from that. I suppose you can do it world location rather than relative, assuming the ladder is not going to move around. That makes things easier.

There is plenty of tutorials showing basic lerp movement of actors in case you need more help. But as long as you are getting that camera component, that is all you got to do to isolate it.

If you don’t know, just select the camera component in the components panel and drag it into the event graph. Or you can right click or tab and search “camera component” to find it.

Interfaces and blueprint → blueprint communications are a little tricky to get used to. But epic has a few nice videos on youtube that can help you get familiar with it.

edit: second pink comment box should read: “implementation of the blueprint interface”

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