I have two characters in a car, The characters are an image media sequence, the car is a 3d Object.
Is there a way to move them together through the level in a sequence? Trying to merge them made Unreal crash, and trying to group them didn’t give me what I was looking for.
My apologies if I am not using the proper terminology, I am still a noob!
Hey there @NoMercyVideo! I love seeing your project when it comes up, it’s like new wave FMV horror and its really cool. Are you using media plates outside of blueprints? I believe the easiest way would be to have the vehicle BP have the mediaplates as children, which does depend on exactly how they are to move, though considering the medium it’s more like a standard shot in the moving car before transition and they won’t “Get out” (split from the car) in scene right?
Thanks Entity! Yeah, it’s totally an old school style FMV game!
It is a fairly basic shot, just driving down the road, no entering or exiting the car. It just needs to work for a sequence, doesnt need to be playable ingame in anyway, just doing this for the visual.
I could do both by hand, but figure linking them together would be much less time consuming!
I have not been altering any blueprints outside of messing with the shading on some objects. I’ve just been dragging and dropping everything in, and then using keyframes to move stuff around in a level sequence.
Could you direct me to a tutorial that would go through the process of making a media plate a children in the Blueprint?
Thank you so much for the response and the kind words!
I just figured it out!
After dragging the Video layer onto the object, it made it the child.
Before it kept disappearing when I tried that, but then I realized the starting positions were way off, so while it was now connected, it was based off of the objects position, which made them fly apart.
After putting them together, and then adjusting the child to overlap with the object, it works perfectly!
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction! I greatly appreciate all your help!
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