How to modify UObjects from custom thread?

I have written a custom thread derived from FRunnable, and I want to modify and apply some variables such as GameUserSettings and ViewTarget from this thread. But when I run these code below, the editor triggered a breakpoint at the engine source code and the comments said: CVar Changes can only be initiated from the main thread.

GEngine->GameUserSettings->ScalabilityQuality.EffectsQuality = atoi(split[6].c_str());

Is there any way to do it or can I delegate these task to GameThread?

Thanks a lot!

update: I found a class “FEvent” which seems to be useful about this problem,but I don’t know how to use it…

I believe break points should only be triggered in debug and development configuration so I would try the shipping configuration; just for experimenting though, you should see the documentation more but for trying and experimenting I would try that. It would be weird if your shipped game suddenly triggered a break point; I believe though the alternate response of the engine is to simply crash but try it out.

I’ll try it later… It takes a long time to rebuild the project in shipping mode…
update: I think I cannot use shipping mode because this thread is in an editor plugin…