I simply want to modify the define BUILT_FROM_CHANGELIST to the current perforce Changelist being built by the build grid. I noticed in UE4Build.cs there is an UpdateVersionFiles() method that will do this for me. In addition I also found UpdateLocalVersion.Automation.cs which seems to take in an argument of “cl” to allow me to change this number.
I tried:
Build.bat MyGameProject Win64 DebugGame -waitmutex -cl=1111 -verbose
but that did not seem to work.
What exactly do I need to do in order to modify the Changelist number?
I also noticed some attributes for the class UpdateLocalVersion.
[Help("CL", "Overrides the automatically disovered changelist number with the specified one")]
public class UpdateLocalVersion : BuildCommand
{ }
How do I go about informing the Unreal build tool, that the machine does indeed have Perforce and that is indeed a Build machine?