Im working on a project in UE5 using a mixamo character with its animations.
I want to create a custom animation for the same character while i maintain others mixamo animations, so I exported the same character to blender and created the animation, but when I import the animation back into UE5, it appears deformed.
I guess the issue is related to differences in the bone structure after editing in Blender. Im cracking my head trying to find a solution and i think it shouldnt be that difficult, but im new to all this blender rigging stuff.
How is the way to go in this situation?
Also the animation i want to do is really simple, would i be better trying to learn how to make the animation in unreal instead of blender?
I didnt change the structure or anything, see thats one of the reasong im cracking my head, i dont understand why the bone structure(or something related to it) changes simply by importing and exporting it in blender. I even did the experiment, just importing and exporting the animation with 0 changes, it appears deformed in ue5.
I’ve tried unchecking leaf bones and practically every export/import setting