How to modify Initial Speed from Projectile Movement Component in Runtime

So, I have been trying for a while now to figure out how to set the Initial Speed of a projectile movement component in runtime.

For some context, I have several items that make the projectiles that the player shoots spawn with different Initial Speeds, trajectories, etc. For everything related to stuff that can be modified after the projectile has been spawned I have no issues.

The problem arises when I try to set certain variables that have to be set before said actor has been spawned, in this case the Initial Speed. Trying to set the Initial Speed by calling On Begin Play does nothing because the projectile has already been spawned, and I believe that from the OnConstruction Script it is not possible to get variable data from other blueprints (and if it is somehow possible to get a variable from the player character, I don’t really know how efficient it is to cast an actor when a decent amount of projectiles are spawning simultaneously on the same frame).

I am approaching this issue from the wrong direction? Is there something that I have not seen which will fix the issue? And if it is not possible, which would it be the best way to try circumvent it?

You can configure your variables to be exposed on spawn:


And then when spawning:
