How to modify engine default sound ?

Basically I find myself that the intro movie does sound a lot high I wish it to be lower any idea ? also how to change overall all engine sound ? I know how to change it ingame with console commandary

  • AUDIO FLUSH TRUE - flush all sound buffers
  • DISABLELPF – Disables the low pass filter on all sources for testing.
  • ISOLATEDRYAUDIO – Removes reverb to isolate the dry audio.
  • ISOLATEREVERB – Removes the dry audio to isolate the reverb.
  • LISTAUDIOCOMPONENTS – Outputs a list of all audio components.
  • LISTSOUNDCLASSES – Outputs a list of loaded sounds collated by class.
  • LISTSOUNDCLASSVOLUMES – Outputs a list of all the volume and pitch for each sound class.
  • LISTSOUNDDURATIONS – Outputs a list of all sounds waves and their durations.
  • LISTSOUNDMODES – Outputs a list of all sound modes.
  • LISTSOUNDS – Outputs a list of all loaded sounds and their memory footprints.
  • LISTWAVES – Outputs a list of wave instances and whether they have a source.
  • MODIFYSOUNDCLASS [soundclass] [VOL=volume] – Modifies the specified sound class with the given volume.
  • PLAYSOUNDCUE – Plays an arbitrary sound cue.
  • PLAYSOUNDWAVE – Plays an arbitrary sound wave.
  • RESETSOUNDSTATE – Resets all volumes to their default values and removes all test filters.
  • SETSOUNDMODE [mode] – Sets the sound mode to the specified mode.
  • SOUNDTEMPLATEINFO – Outputs info about each unique sound.
  • TESTFEBLEED – Sets the low frequency effect bleed to maximum on all audio sources for testing.
  • TESTLPF – Sets the low pass filter to maximum on all audio sources for testing.
  • TESTSTEREOBLEED – Sets stereo bleed to maximum on all audio sources for testing.
    But I am not sure on how to save the settings.
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You can change the Epic intro video volume by replacing it with another from Epic (or adjust the audio yourself and republish the new BIK video). The movie is located in UDKGame\Movies.

Regarding the engine audio level:

class'Engine'.static.GetAudioDevice().TransientMasterVolume = WhatEverVolumeYouWantVar

I set this each time i initialize a local player controller, using a config var that the player can set in the sound menu.

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