Basically I find myself that the intro movie does sound a lot high I wish it to be lower any idea ? also how to change overall all engine sound ? I know how to change it ingame with console commandary
- AUDIO FLUSH TRUE - flush all sound buffers
- DISABLELPF – Disables the low pass filter on all sources for testing.
- ISOLATEDRYAUDIO – Removes reverb to isolate the dry audio.
- ISOLATEREVERB – Removes the dry audio to isolate the reverb.
- LISTAUDIOCOMPONENTS – Outputs a list of all audio components.
- LISTSOUNDCLASSES – Outputs a list of loaded sounds collated by class.
- LISTSOUNDCLASSVOLUMES – Outputs a list of all the volume and pitch for each sound class.
- LISTSOUNDDURATIONS – Outputs a list of all sounds waves and their durations.
- LISTSOUNDMODES – Outputs a list of all sound modes.
- LISTSOUNDS – Outputs a list of all loaded sounds and their memory footprints.
- LISTWAVES – Outputs a list of wave instances and whether they have a source.
- MODIFYSOUNDCLASS [soundclass] [VOL=volume] – Modifies the specified sound class with the given volume.
- PLAYSOUNDCUE – Plays an arbitrary sound cue.
- PLAYSOUNDWAVE – Plays an arbitrary sound wave.
- RESETSOUNDSTATE – Resets all volumes to their default values and removes all test filters.
- SETSOUNDMODE [mode] – Sets the sound mode to the specified mode.
- SOUNDTEMPLATEINFO – Outputs info about each unique sound.
- TESTFEBLEED – Sets the low frequency effect bleed to maximum on all audio sources for testing.
- TESTLPF – Sets the low pass filter to maximum on all audio sources for testing.
- TESTSTEREOBLEED – Sets stereo bleed to maximum on all audio sources for testing.
But I am not sure on how to save the settings.