How to model and import a building into Unreal Engine 4

Hello, I am , I was wondering how to model a building or a house or something in that vicinity in Blender 3DS, and then import that model into Unreal Engine 4, but also have it so players can walk throughout the building, but not through the walls, and what not.

If anyone has any ideas, PLEASE let me know, I can model buildings to an extent, but not efficiently and when I do import them, it has the view of a building, (Can see through it and all) but when I go to enter the building, it is like running into a giant box shaped like a box.


-You will have to create a proper collision for your building ->
-make sure that you buildings are “solid” or that the vertex normals are facing into the right dirction :slight_smile:

I still couldn’t really walk into the house, am I supposed to shape the collision mesh around the house areas I want collision?

You have to place the collision boxes at the position of the walls/parts that the player shouldnt be abel to go through -> or just use the “use complex as simple”/per poly collision way, but that’s not so good for the performance :slight_smile:

It could also be that the collision capsule of your character is to big to fit through the door

Okay, I’ll try that out, thanks!