How to maximize shader compiling threads?

I am converting a small project to UE 5 and it has taken forever to compile all the shaders first opening the editor and then opening my level. I have a Threadripper with 32 cores and most of them are idle all the time, I can see the system spawning at most 3 treads for shader compilation. How should I configure my settings to optimize for my machine?

I have seen some suggestions online about changing the config values on the DevOptions.Shaders section, but I have tried different values and I haven’t found a good way to do it, and also I haven’t been able to find documentation about it…

; See FShaderCompilingManager for documentation on what these do
; Make sure we don't starve loading threads
; Make sure the game has enough cores available to maintain reasonable performance
; Core count threshold.  Below this amount will use NumUnusedShaderCompilingThreads.  Above this threshold will use PercentageUnusedShaderCompilingThreads when determining the number of cores to reserve.
; Percentage of your available logical cores that will be reserved and NOT used for shader compilation
; 0 means use all your cores to compile Shaders
; 100 means use none of your cores to compile shaders (it will still use 1 core).
; Batching multiple jobs to reduce file overhead, but not so many that latency of blocking compiles is hurt
; Only using 10ms of game thread time per frame to process async shader maps
; For regular machines, wait this many seconds before exiting an unused worker (float value)
; For build machines, wait this many seconds before exiting an unused worker (float value)
; Set process priority for ShaderCompileWorker (0 is normal)

; These values are for build machines only currently to reduce the number of SCWs spawned to reduce memory pressure
bUseVirtualCores = False
; CookerMemoryUsedInGB = 49
; MemoryToLeaveForTheOSInGB = 3
; MemoryUsedPerSCWProcessInGB = 0.4
; MinSCWsToSpawnBeforeWarning = 8

; Use SCW memory pressure calculations regardless of whether cooking is done on a build machine
; Note: CookerMemoryUsedInGB, MemoryToLeaveForTheOSInGB, MemoryUsedPerSCWProcessInGB must all be set to enable
bForceUseSCWMemoryPressureLimits = False

What can I do to accelerate this process (And make a more optimal use of the resources on my workstation?)


Well try…


Thanks for your answer Alberto
When you do that, do you see lots of processes compiling shaders in the task manager? I have tried and I still see only 3.
Also looking at the comments on this parameter:

; Percentage of your available logical cores that will be reserved and NOT used for shader compilation
; 0 means use all your cores to compile Shaders
; 100 means use none of your cores to compile shaders (it will still use 1 core).

it seems to indicate that the higher the number the less threads will be used, but I have also tried lowering it to 20 and I see the same results

Am I missing other settings to activate all of this?


True, try:

I had a same issue.
only 3 shadercompiling workers and
only 1 worker works.

I found my solution and for now all cpu cores are working.
I changed following values.

bUseVirtualCores = Ture
and I killed all incredibuild processes.

I think incredibuild is the reason…

my env:
cpu: ryzen 3600
mem: 32gb
gpu: rtx2070


I have the same situation + Threadripper Pro 16 core and onlz 4 cores are used for compilation.

Where is the config file located to change those values?

I think I found the solution - it was the INCREDIBUILD addon to Visual Studio.
I removed it from Visual Studio extensions (complete uninstall) and now all 16 cores and 32 threads are used for compilation.
Hope that helps somebody someday…


I found a different alternative. On opening old (just few months older actually) projects, I had the load up screen virtually stuck for hours at compiling shaders. Then I created a new project and compared all file contents between the two. Turns out the older project has these two lines in its Unreal Projects\MyProject\Config\DefaultEngine.ini:


These lines are not automatically defined anymore for newer projects. Remove them (or just put them both to ‘False’). It should not get blocked again at compiling shaders now.

Thank you so much! I have been trying to wrap my head around what happened. Must have checked that by mistake during a recent re-install of Visual Studio. I have had issues when Incredibuild has been installed in the past with other development tools.

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