I’m trying to insert a mesh seamlessly in to landscape. The trouble is, i can’t get the Materials to match in size.
I’ve understood that it is not possible to paint Landscape Materials to a mesh. I tried to use a TextureCoord node and none of the UV Tiling values gave any result.
-Do you get the same result when you use a landscape coordinate node?
-just set up a scale parameter (texture coordinate + scalar parmeter connected with a multiply) and then try to get the perfect value (when you use material instance constants you can see the changes in realtime)
Here is my material. Did i understood correctly what you meant?
Changing Scalar Value makes the material glow like bronze and TextureCoordinate doesn’t change anything either. I tried LandscapeCoordinate too, with same value as on the LandscapeMaterial, but nothing happened.
You will have to add a names to your parameters - close the material - do a right click on the material - create material instance constant - apply the MIC to your mesh - open the MIC - now you can change the parameter value + you will see the changes
Also make sure to:
-connect the multiply with the base and normal map
-choose different names for your parameters (atm you change everything, so the size - metallic - roughness)