How to mass modify animations? Anim modifier? Control Rig?

Ok… I can’t find an answer to this problem directly anywhere. Not even close. I will try here :wink:
The goal is to automatically edit the entire animation. What I would change frame by frame:

  1. Save start pose of ik hand chain bones.
  2. Move ik hand root to head possition
  3. Move IK hand gun to where it was before
  4. Move hands ik bones to hands FK bones.

Can I permanently do that with anim modifiers (from what I saw they have read-only functions and the possibility to write notifications, curves and markers.
Or control rig? but it’s kind-of post-process to animation. so no idea how to use it mass edit animations.
external tools? scripts? how : (
Any direction or link to a tutorial would be most appreciated.

did you ever figure something out?