How to manually keyframe Vcam transform data that is tracked from iphone mounted to DSLR?

I have my iphone mounted to my DSLR which I am using to shoot a stop motion character on a green screen stage. The idea is to capture the background plate from Unreal as I go frame by frame shooting the character. Everything is working, the motions I make with the DSLR are happening to the Vcam inside Unreal5. I assumed, I move the DSLR then I just key the transforms in Sequencer (vcam), move to the next frame in sequencer, move the DSLR, key in sequencer, etc. That didn’t work, even though the camera is changing position in Unreal it’s transform data isn’t changing in sequencer…so I quickly learned that I was just keying the same position of the Vcam and it was not animating.
Is there a way to get the Vcam data one frame at a time without turning on record?
Is the solution to set the timeline to 1 frame, hit record, then move to next?
I really want to just hand key the position each frame, which is coming from the iphone. This way in theory I could change everything in the Unreal scene and render, with it always matching the DSLR stopmotion sequence in post.