I couldn’t seem to find an answer to this anywhere and maybe I’m doing this the wrong way as I’m still new to using arrays in Unreal. I have an array of 12 images in a widget menu. They are all on top of each other with only 1 having their render visibility set to 1. All other 11 have their render visibility set to 0. When clicking a button I want to cycle through all 12 images by turning on the index of the array image and making sure all the others stay at 0 as well as the previous one in the array now changing to 0.
I created a function called visibility slider which you can see an image of. Then in the main widget blueprint I call that function. Which you can see in the other image. The part I’m stuck on is that I want to get all of the other objects in the array BUT the current one to make sure to set their render visibility to 0.
Any suggestions would be really appreciated.