Just woundering,im makeing a fighting game with multipal stages,Characters,music etc.Should i Build it all in one project.Or in several example, Stage_1 project.Stage_2 project.Or Just put it all in one project file??
Or can i do multiple projects and combined them later?
you should just do it all in one project with multiple levels. You can load levels via blueprints.
If you work in separate projects (for example, the main project a d a “scratch” project) you can always migrate assets between projects using the content browser
Hi Cinnik Z,
An entire game is generally one project. To create the different stages you would just create new levels (File > New Level).
If you already have multiple projects, you can Migrate the content from one project to another by right-clicking the folder in the Content Browser and choose Migrate.
Beat me to it. Good answer veggiesaurus.
Wow, almost word for word Glad my answers are up to scratch!
thank YOU for responding!!!
Be sure to mark up their answer. Helps improve the signal-to-noise ratio in the database