Hey guys i am creating a map and i am almost ready, but i wanna do, that if somebody falls into the ocean/water dies. how do i do that?
Add a damage volume to it
where do i find it
It’s in fortnite/devices. Just do a search for it in the content browser
Have you tried a volume damage device? Just put it in the water. Adjust the size so it doesn’t go higher than the water. If your water is like a river you may need to use multiple damage devices for each turn. You can even control at what rate the damage does. If you want immediate elimination, set it to that. If you want eliminate over time, you can set how much damage per second so the player could have a short time to try to get out. Remember to set it as not visible during the game. Hope that helps.
Hi! Idk how to tag u anywhere. Can u answer on my question please? is it possible to attach a damage zone to a moving object?
I haven’t played around with that, but if you can, I think you would need to attach an object moving device to the damage volume and another one with identical settings on the platform it is sitting on to move. Let me know if that works and I will jump on and try to figure it out too in a bit.
Oh I have another thought, what is the moving object? When you put a moving device say on like a stone platform moving up and down or left and right or whatever, you can set a damage value on the move prop for when it hits a player, or a prop, or an npc.
Let me know some more details of what you are trying to do and let’s see what we can figure out.
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