How to make video or sound timeline?

Hey guys , i got a widget that plays a video or sound (i got both ) , and can someone say how to do this ? idk how its called video timeline i guess , Image will be attached. I wanted to use “Slider” but it goes like ( 0.00-0.99 not 0.00-0.60 ) so it doesnt work . So how to make timeline ?
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I wanted to use “Slider” but it goes like ( 0.00-0.99 not 0.00-0.60 ) so it doesnt work .

You can use a MapRange node to remap one range into another.

Or have a look here for a more complete example:

Try a video editing tool. You can use Movavi for this. It’s pretty straightforward, especially when dealing with timelines. Additionally, Movavi has some automated features that come in handy – things like color correction, background removal, and adding transitions.

Read more about it’s features in this article: