How to make vehicles do flips and stunts

Hi there, I was wondering if it was possible to make your actor blueprint (which for me is a car) is it possible to make it do stunts and flips when it is midair or comes of a ramp. It is for a racing game I am working on but when I jump midair I can’t move or do stunts and it makes the game boring :/. Please help


You may need to work the camera harder, for something more elaborate, have a look here:


Hey there @Limegreengamer9y! @Everynone beat me out the gate again you legend! I wrote up an alternate option as well without the physics, the proper way is using the physics system since the vehicle actors are simulated, but I tend to use the direct rots for more arcadey pure control.

Hope this helps!


from my experience with vehicles in unreal, if you want stunts and flips, you can’t rely on the default vehicle logic. you need something custom that scripts the physics to be more “controlled” and not based on cold equations as it is now. Those are fine in simulating a real world vehicle but will be frustrating for player as he will not manage to make cool stunts. Same as in reality, most of us can’t do them :slight_smile:

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Hey thanks for that it worked!! Also, if you want it to flip you replace get actor up vector to get actor right vector.

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For something wild, you can just roll (emh) with physics. As others mentioned above, there will be as many approaches as there are people.

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