So I am making a game in third person and you can switch between two characters. When the game starts the second character follows the first. but when you switch to the second character the first does not follow and when you switch back to the first character the second character does not follow. Please help! as I need both playable character to constantly follow each other.
The frst image is the players blueprint.
the second image is the players control blueprint.
It might be because you call Possess to control the other character and that is leaving the previously possessed character with no controller so the AIMoveTo doesn’t work.
When you start, one has the player controller and (it looks like) the other gets an AIController. Then you possess the second character, replacing the AIController and leaving the first character with nothing to control it. At that point, neither character will have an AIController to do the move.
After you possess one, try giving the other one a new AIController.
the easiest method that ive used with success is to have a on unpossesed event. off of that have a set default controller or a set controller. then you may just need to reactivate the movement depending on what type of script your using.