Hello, I want to know how could I make those moments in a game that we are playing a character and a cinematic starts with a custom camera and them goes back to the player.
For instance, I want to make a moment which player - on third person camera - finds a object on the ground and presses a button to interact with it. Once he interacts, I want to start a “cinematic moment” where another camera is looking from the ground to the player’s direction (skywards). The player will them play a ‘squat’ animation to pick the object from the ground. After a moment, the control should be taken back to the player - on third person - which is now holding the object.
I’ve tried to find any tutorials or forums about this, but can’t seem to find anything. I know I can use level sequence, but I want it to be reusable for any character for any object.
Another example of this would be God of War’s “execute enemy moment”. For instance, when we press the circle button on a weak/defeated enemy and Kratos execute a special movement to finish him up (this plays a custom execute animation and them given the control back to the player).