How to make the newly added collision behave like the inherited Capsule Component.

In the character class, in addition to the inherited Capsule Component, I have added a new collision that blocks against all objects.
However, when manipulating this character, if the new collision colides with other Actors,
If the actor is Dynamic: The actor shifts its position to avoid the new collision.
If the actor is Static: The actor overlaps the new collision but does not react.
This is the behavior of the actor.

I’d like the new collision to behave in the same way as the inherited Capsule Component. In other words, I’d like the new collision to behave in such a way that if the new collision collides with other objects, it will not allow me to move forward any further.

What should I change to make this happen?

This is impossible with the default character class. However, you could make it so that when the shape overlaps, then a shape trace is performed to check for colliding actors. You would use the normal value of this trace to apply a small impulse to your character and hopefully prevent undesired clipping.