How to make the hand come back down slowly?

Hi how can I make that as soon as I release the grip from the mouse and hand up the hand will come back down slowly?
Or something like a ragdoll
pls help !
thanks alot !

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Hi @Myst_FuyZz! Are you using code or blueprints to control your hand? Would you mind sharing what you have so far so we can can better see and get an idea of what you need?

Hey !
im using blueprints
here is the code:
Or how can I control the hand in the form of Ragdoll? Instead of animation

Hey, @Myst_FuyZz! I think I understand what you are going for here. If you want to have specific motions for your character without actually creating animations, you can still do so with your animation BP! Check out this documentation on Animation Blend modes and Transform Bone. At least one of those, I am pretty sure, are what you are looking for.

OHH Thank you very much!
thats really whats im looking for!
thank you man ! <3