How to make the game reduce the activity to 1 fps when minimizing the window?

Hi, how to make the game reduce the activity to 1 fps when minimizing the window, as it does unreal engine editor?

You can try to use the bUseFixedFrameRate from the GEngine

What I did for a launcher, I detect when the window is minimized.

bool SKMainContentWidget::CheckWindowMinimized(float InDeltaTime)
	if (GEngine && GEngine->GameViewport)
		bool bReduceTick = (IsGameRunning() || GEngine->GameViewport->GetWindow()->IsWindowMinimized());
		if (bReduceTick && GEngine->bUseFixedFrameRate == false)
			GEngine->bUseFixedFrameRate = true;
			GEngine->FixedFrameRate = 5.f;
			if (bReduceTick == false && GEngine->bUseFixedFrameRate)
				GEngine->bUseFixedFrameRate = false;
				GEngine->FixedFrameRate = 30.f;
	return true;

In the Construct of the main widget, I check every second for the window if minimized.

void SKMainContentWidget::Construct(const FArguments& InArgs)
	UE_LOG(LogKSGMDebug, Verbose, TEXT("SKMainContentWidget::Construct"));
	// Not logged in at startup
	IsLoggedIn = false;

	// Create a ticker that will check if the windows is minimized and the game is running
	// to adapt the tick update to reduce the slate GPU consumption
	CheckWindowTickHandle = FTSTicker::GetCoreTicker().AddTicker(FTickerDelegate::CreateSP(this, &SKMainContentWidget::CheckWindowMinimized), 1.0f);

If you have access to the engine source code you can have a look at EditorEngine.cpp in UEditorEngine::GetMaxTickRate where this feature is implemented for the editor and add something similar to GameEngine.cpp in UGameEngine::GetMaxTickRate