I want to play multiplayer with the game animation sample! The client doesn’t work! Why?
I tried it in first person content and it worked.
The tutorial video I used as a reference is here: https://youtu.be/ef6SeknakeU?si=tlE16wjD7w03YEUB
I know how to fix it. You need call functions setup input and update camera in begin play, and delete possessed event. I hope this can help u))
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Can you elaborate? I’m struggling getting my project that uses the locomotion from the animation sample to work in multiplayer, I can launch two instances and play but whomever connects to the others match is unable to vault correctly.
in the begin play you could choose to run only if its a client doing it with localnetrole and only letting autonomouse proxy, but i also found there are issues with the state of the animation not replicating from walking to running and back, it makes a rubber band effect because sometimes animation is walking while the player is actually running