So I am trying to create my own health bar and its own system by having pictures of the health appear and disappear depending on the current health and I was wondering if anyone knows how to make the back boarder part of the picture that’s white disappear so that only the image shows and not its background. I tried to decrease the alpha but it just makes it invisable.
You need use alpha channel to mask out the area you want hidden.
There are tutorials for using Photoshop/Gimp to create them (google em’).
See also:
PNG with Alpha: How do you get them to work?
Get rid of white background?
This tutorial shows a basic way how you can do it: ?v=nMIzL0aHQiQ ://gametextures/blog/2014/01/14/putting-your-texture-in-an-alpha-channel-using-photoshop/