How to make text with Photoshop styles

I need to make a text variable on a button, that will look like on the reference.
How can I achieve this? Is there any ways to import styles from photoshop, or I have to do it somehow with materials in UE?
P.S. I’m talking about beveling inside, not the font itself.

3 ways I would personally start with:

  • Easiest way is to use Shadow property in Text widget. Maybe with some gradient or a custom material. Maybe something similar could be achieved.
    (I doubt honestly, but is super easy to try out, so why not)
  • Then I would try to create a custom material for font. The biggest problem with this, is you can’t modify stuff around font itself. But you could also create a material for Outline maybe, so there are some possibilities
  • At the end, there is a Retainer Box which takes a material, and works almost like a postprocess. It’s most versitale, and I’m almost sure you could achive something with this, but also is not that fun to use in hierarchy, and eats more memory.

I’m compllete zero in materials, so I have any idea how to achieve this. I googled to find something similar, but seems nobody makes it.

Try to just mess with Shadow Offset

If you don’t need it to be super smooth it can suit your needs.

I have this effect now, but it’s not what I’m looking for. I want to make it look like it’s inside the object, not outside of it. This effect can only be made if the shadow is dropping inside the font