How to make sure that all components (placed in the world) change accordingly to different screen sizes (mobile)?

I’m creating a 2D top down view game for android devices. I currently use my own mobile device to test my game. My mobile device (redmi note 7) (obviously) has a different resolution than my pc monitor (1920-1080 px). Therefore my (static) background does not fit the screen of my mobile device (smaller in the vertical direction). This make sense since I just placed my sprite (background) with a size of 1920 and 1080 px in the world and subsequently I placed a camera component with a defined distance that makes sure that the player sees the entire sprite when in fullscreen. The problem is, that this only works for a screen resolution 1920 1080 px but I want to make sure that this works for every screen size. In other words: all the components should change accordingly to different screen sizes so that the full sprite is shown and that all other components (like blocking volumes) have the correct position relative to the background. But I have no idea how to do this and I cannot find anything on the internet.

This picture shows what I mean by "components (placed in the world) " and shows the camera settings.

Solved this by using “Get viewportsize” node as described in