How to make "Specific" Hit area

I have a proto type test character that I am using to test “Game Play and Development” with. However, I want to create specific areas for collision (Hit/Damage). All I am finding is using a collision capsule or Mesh Trace which uses Bone impact. I want something a little more specific


In the pic I uploaded of a portion of the prototype, there are bright green areas, which are the only areas I wish for damage registration (Collision) to occur in different specific areas of the character. Am trying to find an answewr online, but I am not finding the answer for this :frowning: I am fairly new to UE4, probably had it about a month or so, w/ a small amount of time in regard to using the engine. Help in this would be greatly appreciated :slight_smile:

you can add small box collisions to your players pawn, and align them in the editor over the spots you want to receive dmg, and then apply your dmg, based on which box was overlapped, or hit.

Great, thanks… will give that a shot :slight_smile:

What @shotty46290 said. Also, look into collision setups:

And object and trace channels:

This will allow you to easily isolate elements you want to perform collision checks against without mundane, cascading if/else branches.