Hi everyone!
How I can make Snap vertex on the Building Actor?
New Builds must be placing by snap themself Vertex to another building Vertex.
Snap System
Hi everyone!
How I can make Snap vertex on the Building Actor?
New Builds must be placing by snap themself Vertex to another building Vertex.
Snap System
Maybe you can put all of your models inside a actor blueprint, you need a “Spawn Actor From Class”
Then you will need to set the visibility for the second and the third floor to not visible in the actor blueprint that have your building, then put a Event begin play, Delay for 1 second (it is the building time), then you need to set visibility for the second floor to True, and the target will be the second floor. Then another Delay, and so on(It depend on how much floor you want)
Please tell me if I made any mistakes