Set the skeletal mesh to ‘Movable’ then you can have trigger box around him, once the player enters the trigger, you can play an animation of the skeletal mesh falling down on the ground.
Although you need to be more specific about your question. Is the skeletal mesh moving? Fall down with respect to what? Is he floating in air to begin with?
If you can be more specific, I can answer the question in detail.
Okay, the animation used here is not baked, It is called Physical Animation. Physical animation is done real time depending on how the skeletal mesh’s physical factors are simulated.
However if you want to use baked animations (only one type of death animation), I suggest you learn about Animation Blueprints and Animation Montages
Good morning!
I have a simple pawn on my level, with no AI logic, and I want it to “fall to the ground” when I touch him, like he is dead, and keep the dead body laying on the ground. How can I achieve it with blueprints?
I know how to setup the trigger box, I just want to make it fall to the ground. And it is standing.
All I want to achieve is this death animation like this video: TPS game prototype v0.7 (Unreal Engine 4) - YouTube
Yes, I didn’t knew it was called Physical Animation.
How can I achieve this effect for a character that is dying? As I said, it is standing, and I want it to fall like the mentioned video. Should I set something true?
I suggest you watch videos on YouTube regarding ’ Physical Animation’ or ‘Animation Physics’. You should be able to figure out ahead from there