How to make Sequencer cinematic repeat forever


I have a Sequencer cut. How do i make it play forever, like an infinite loop? Meaning when it reaches the end, it will start from beginning again by itself. Without user intervention.

And is it possible to have it such that when i click “Play in Standalone Game”, it will start playing the Sequencer, and will loop the sequence forever without stopping?

Thanks in advance. Hope to get advice.

The level sequence actor has a property to specify the number of loops or infinite in the Playback section.


I can’t find a way to loop the Camera Sequence unfortunately, but alternatively for an infinite shake you can get a fair bit of control in the CameraShake Actor with the Wave Oscillator Camera Shake Pattern.

You can even use the Composite Camera Shake Pattern to layer on multiple elements and have them at different durations

At the bottom of the sequencer player controls on the far right is a play once or loop button. Click it to toggle modes. If it’s set to loop it will simply keep looping your in and out range.

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Unfortunately that still doesn’t work with camera shake. I think this will has to go into feature requests, as it really should be in there.

The camera shake should be redesigned as a generic axis variance. After Effects has wiggle.
Allow any track to be given some randomly variable motion. That is much more useful that simply a camera shake.
That would allow floating hovercraft and random eye movement and a hundred other things.

They do have all that stuff in there, there is a tonne of control in the camera shake. The only thing I don’t like is not having a way to visualise it without playing it, it’s all just numbers. The Graph editor in UE would be a great way to easily see what is going on.

Still only applies to the camera (which is too bad) and as I recall lit’s generated so repeatability?

Yeah, there are two generated patterns: perlin noise, and a sine wave. Both have a fair bit of controls to achieve whatever you may need. The wave is reliably repeatable while the perline noise is you need random noise with X amplitude and time (simplified but that’s the essence)

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This is the solution