How to make right content placement in content browser?

Hello. I heard there are a several rules how I should place content in my project (like, anim montages, animations, pose assets and other should store in animation folder). Not only for further distribution but for better management. Where I can find that rules?

There are written guidelines in the marketplace seller pages or you can install any project template, such as Lyra Starter Game, or any other template that matches the type of project you are targeting, and you will see how folders and files are structured.

I found this, but it’s for marketplace distribution and there has no information about folder structure. Where I can find that guidelines?

Not sure if this is the latest version:

Yes, I’ve told about this. There is no information about folder structure.

Used to have. Best way is to install a recent project template and use it as reference. Lyra Starter Game has many types and it should cover most of it.

All right. I’ll try it. Thank you.

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