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How to improve your vacuum’s smell

While your vacuum cleaner can be your reliable companion when it comes to cleaning your entire apartment, if you don’t take good care of it, there are chances that it could become a perfect spot for dirt and bacteria.

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If this is happening with you, the first sign that you’ll notice is probably the odorous smells. Thus, when you are vacuuming, you might stink up the entire room, instead of giving it a cleaner atmosphere.

That being said, for those who’ve been neglecting their vacuum cleaner, it’s time for you to give it a good clean and get rid of the annoying smell. Our post will show you exactly what you need to get started and how to improve your vacuum smell effectively.

Clean your vacuum first

No matter what you think the causes of the smell are, performing a deep cleaning on your vacuum is always an effective way to deal with smells. That being said, you can disassemble the parts of your vacuum to inspect and clean them along the way.

Focus on the hose, dirt container, filter, and the motor, since these are the parts that have direct relations to the smell of your vacuum cleaner. Rinse the hose with water to get rid of clogged waste. Wash your filter with water and let it air dry. Clean the container with soap and use a dust blower to clean your motor.

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Change the filter

If you think that your filter is too dirty and can’t be reused, it’s time for a new one. This is a must if your vacuum is HEPA filtered, since it can only be used once. Having a dirty filter will not only cause odors but also reduce your vacuum’s suction power.

For those who’re using bagged vacuum cleaners, make sure you change your dirt bags whenever they’re full. Don’t risk reusing them, since they’ll become the perfect environment for bacteria.

Install perfume pads

An effective way to add aroma to your room while vacuuming is to use the perfume pads. Just install one of those on your motor filter, so that the sweet scents can be added to the airflow, making the whole atmosphere a lot fresher and more comfortable.

Another way to do this without the perfume pads is to put a few drops of essential oils on your vacuum filters. It’ll work just like with the perfume pads and give your room pleasant smells. You can change your preferred smells whenever you want.

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Neutralize the smell and clean the inside

While the smells are completely improved, your vacuum cleaner isn’t entirely clean. As you vacuum, some amount of dirt will be kept in various parts of your vacuum. With time, they’ll slowly build up and become the perfect environment for bacteria.

In these cases, it’s recommended that you add some baking soda into your vacuum bag. It’ll help neutralize the smell, as well as eliminate the bacteria inside.

If you have carpets at home, it’s also recommended that you scatter baking soda over the area before vacuuming. This is good for both your carpets and your vacuum.