Allright so I am creating a FPS game and I would like to create regeneration where after taking damage it would take 7 seconds without damage to start regeneration and would regenerate 0.1 per second. I’ve figured out how to create the base regeneration of the shield(as shown in the picture below). I suppose I would need some kind of loop but I can’t figure out which one I should use. I would highly appreciate if someone of you could help me with this.
Hello,ok so i made the blueprint for you with all variables set alredy,if you have question about it reply here,here is how the blueprint should look like i think.
Here’s something compact that will wait for 7s and then start ticking every .2s, regenerating 1 health per tick.
The same can be achieved with functions, as in straja95’s example.
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Thank you so much for your answer! With those I was able to get it working like I wanted.